My thanks to the Columbus-Amsterdam BID for providing more than thirty pounds of compost produced by Big Reuse as part of GrowNYC’s community composting program.

This rich organic material will be scattered in a light layer over the surface of the soil in tree beds and sidewalk planters here on 106th Street to provide a slow but steady trickle of nutrients to the trees and flowering plants that protect and brighten our neighborhood.
Over the last decade, I’ve received more than three thousand pounds of compost from the Big Reuse composting facility under the Queensborough Bridge to be applied to sidewalk treebeds all over our neighborhood — which is why I’m incredibly disappointed to learn that the NYC government is killing it off with a one-two punch: eliminating all funds for community-composting programs from the city budget, and revoking the license for the under-bridge space so that it can be converted to a parking lot.
I hope that those short-sighted policies are reversed, or that our city finds another way to fill the gap that will be left by this tragic loss.