The giant alliums have put up their starbursts of flowers in our sidewalk treebeds — mostly purple, plus this one even-larger white specimen. These bulbs were planted a few years ago and seem quite happy to come back every spring.
Category: Flowering Bulbs
Daffodils on Broadway
The daffodils I planted in the giant barrel on the corner of 105th Street have made a small but decent showing this spring.
After cleaning out some litter, I spent a few minutes digging in a couple dozen sunflower seeds in the open spaces in hopes of having another big display later in the summer.
Spring Bulbs in Bloom
With our weather pattern shifting from daytime high temperatures in the 40s a few weeks ago to now 50s and even 60s, the perennials in our sidewalk garden have woken up and kicked into gear. The crocuses were the first to bloom, followed a week or so later by the daffodils and now hyacinths.
Purple Fireworks
I love the way the globes of these alliums intersect and overlap, like adjacent spherical pyrotechnic bursts.
Daffodils in Bloom
The daffodils have been in bloom for two weeks and show no sign of stopping.
Everything’s Coming Up Crocus
One of the earliest blooms on our block.
Hyacinth Seed Pods
The hyacinth flowers from this spring have all died back, leaving stalks of seedpods that are turning translucent and releasing their little black seeds.
Giant Allium
That’s no moon — it’s a giant purple allium!
Flowering Bulbs in Full Bloom
Squills, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, tulips — nearly all of the flowering bulbs have emerged to put on a show.
I snapped this photo of this pairing of crocus flowers for my wife, as her colors are purple and white.