Spring Floral Additions

We took a trip to Metropolitan Plant & Flower Exchange in Fort Lee and picked up a bunch of bedding flowers to be added to the garden planters and the treebeds here and around the neighborhood, including the following:

  • Petunia — Starlet White; Tritunia White; Tritunia Plum; Tritunia Veined Mix
  • Marigold — Taishan Mix
  • Dwarf Snapdragon — White; Yellow; Pink Rose
  • Dianthus (“Sweet William”) — White; Pink Mix
  • Celosia (“Cockscomb”) — Glorious Mix
  • Verbena (“Vervain”) — Obsession Blue with Eye; Obsession Pastel Mix
  • Lobelia — Hot Brilliant Blue 
  • Lantana — Bandana Rose
  • Calibrachoa — Conga Red
  • Bracteantha (“Strawflower”) — Mohave Basket Yellow
  • Coreopsis (“Tickseed”) — Beauty Sunrise

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